Saturday, December 21, 2019

From William James' Address to the Graduates of the Boston [Women's] Normal School of Gymnastics, Class of 189X

They tell us that in Norway the life of the women has lately been entirely revolutionized by the new order of muscular feelings with which the use of the ski, or long snow-shoes, as a sport for both sexes, has made the women acquainted.  Fifteen years ago the Norwegian women were even more than the women of other lands votaries of the old-fashioned ideal of femininity, the "domestic angel," the "gentle and refining influence" sort of thing.  Now these sedentary fireside tabby-cats of Norway have been trained, they say, by the snow-shoes into lithe and audacious creatures for whom no night is too dark or height too giddy; and who are not only saying good-bye to the traditional feminine pallor and delicacy of constitution, but actually taking the lead in every educational and social reform.  I cannot but think that the tennis and tramping and skating habits and the bicycle-craze which are so rapidly extending among our dear sisters and daughters in this country are going also to lead to a sounder and heartier moral tone, which will send its tonic breath through all our American life.

Meaningless Pulses in 3/4 Time^

No goddess ex machina came to my rescue
From Hollywood, Hartford or Speyer-on-Rhine.^
A black hippopotama tortured my dreams
But her visits were random,
Not set by design.^

My comrades, you shouldn't reflect on my passing;
I've come and I've gone like degradable swine.^
My signatures fade into life everlasting,
But life in the abstract --
Not yours and not mine.

Where ^ = a quarter rest