It's a Story More Strange Than Any Episode of "Twilight Zone" or "The Outer Limits"
But I beg your indulgence, to hear me tell it.
More than 300,000 years ago, a proto-Chinese man "married" a proto-Southeast Asian woman. Let us call the tribe they engendered "Asia Man" ("AM"). Somehow, AM found his way, or was transported, to what is now Central Africa, below the Sahara. The evidence for this includes the fact that the descendants of AM carry remnants of a disease that can only be contracted via the bite of the tsetse fly, whose range is narrow and concentrated in that part of the world.
Still about 300,000 years ago, Someone or SomeThing ("SoS") experimented with the DNA of AM, mixing it in with the DNA of chimpanzees or their close relations the bonobos, as well as other strains. The result was the creation of an entirely new species of intelligent, bipedal creatures whom we shall call "Tridactyl Man" ("TM"), because its most striking features are its three-fingered hands and three-toed feet, both with more phalanges than are found in human fingers and toes.
There are other remarkable differences between TM and homo sapiens. They are only about 60 centimeters tall, but their craniums are relatively large. Their rib cages are structured much differently than our own. Because they had no molars, we assume that they lived on a liquid, or at least very soft, diet. The joints of their hips, and the structure of their feet, suggest that they must have walked in a way that would strike us as awkward and eccentric.
Some of the TM have metal plates, made from sophisticated alloys, embedded within their chests, perhaps implanted to overcome a genetic weakness in that part of the body.
And now something most difficult to explain. By roughly the time of Christ, TM somehow had been transplanted across the Atlantic to the Nazca region of Peru, a coastal desert land that they shared with the Nazca tribe of homo sapiens. There, some of the bodies of TM (the "Nazca Mummies") were buried in caves or tunnels, in what is called diatomaceous earth. This is a powerful natural desiccant that is used even today to kill insects without poison. It is assumed that it was used deliberately in the case of the Nazca Mummies to preserve their bodies -- not just skin and bones but internal organs and connective tissues as well -- because we find them now in a remarkable state of preservation after 2000 years or so. Hence, the Nazca Mummies are not really mummies at all, not having been "mummified!"
The first of the mummies came to light, quite literally, about ten years ago. Since then, a number have been subjected to intensive investigation by scientists in Peru and Mexico, but also in Petersburg, Russia and in the United States, the last under the auspices of one John McDowell who is, we are told, the eminence grise of forensic sciences in the States. The research has included carbon dating, state-of-the-art medical scanning, and DNA sequencing that compares the specimens with all known terrestrial species that themselves have been sequenced. Already, two peer-reviewed papers discussing preliminary results of investigations into their nature and origin have been published in mainstream journals. Much much more will reach the scientific community and the public (if there is any interest in the public) in the next year or two.
Perhaps the best known of the mummies that have been studied is one called "Maria." Her DNA analysis is so dense with information that scientists can conjecture as to the cause of her death -- a massive infection that was triggered by the eating of raw shellfish that are native to coastal Peru.
So far as we know, there are no elephants in Peru, but the elephant in this particular room is, of course, the implication that TM was made neither by natural evolution alone nor by the Hand of God, at least if God is conceived to be as portrayed in the Bible. Who was this Someone or SomeThing that intervened in our world? What was its purpose in doing so? Is it still among us, or does it lie perhaps just beyond The Veil?
And a more disturbing question still. Could we ourselves also have arisen, metaphorically speaking, from Someone's petri dish?