Wednesday, June 8, 2022


An Inference of Immortality

The prevailing view for more than 100 years has been that we are solely material beings, that consciousness is nothing more than the software that runs the computers between our ears.

An opposing view is beginning to make a comeback, as has been noted before in this space.  See, for example, the philosopher Bernardo Kastrup, who argues from economy of explanation that consciousness is primary.

At the same time, as has also been noted in this space, the Nimitz Encounter compels us to take seriously the idea that we are not alone in the universe.  And, once we have stepped onto the moving walkway of UFO/UAP exploration, we know not where to get off, and we are led inexorably into high strangeness.  Something like the Hollywood Wolfman popularized by Lon Chaney in the 1940s may be lying in wait for your chihuahua.

Jacques Vallee and others argue convincingly that the "embodied" high strange phenomena are actually one, shape-shifting phenomenon -- the "greys," the "reptilians," the skinwalkers, the little people of Ireland, the ayahuasca elves, the Ladies of Fatima and Lourdes, the pilots of airships who knocked on doors in the Midwest circa 1900, when there were no airships at all of the natural sort in North America.

Most, but not all, of the various creatures have been clothed.  The clothing may be austere, more wetsuit than Brooks Brothers, as in the case of the greys, or it may be elaborate, like the robes of Our Lady.

In a material world, even one in which we are not alone, someone must make the clothes worn by all sentient beings.  Lacking proof of any kind to back me up, I insist that there are no factories where the high-strange clothes are made; the idea is far more preposterous than the existence of the beings themselves.  Thus, the higher intelligence must be able to substantiate the clothing as it were, just as it substantiates the creature itself.  The leprechauns dancing around the fire did not buy their cute little suits off the rack.

And if the uniforms are substantiated at will, it is a good bet that everything else regarded as material is likewise a projection from consciousness.  And if everything material is a projection from consciousness, then it is also a good bet that our consciousness survives the disintegration of our bodies.  "In what form?" you may ask. 

Who knows?  We may, in good time, have to rub elbows with some pretty nasty manifestations of the spirit, just as predicted by the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

We live in a time, the more one thinks about it, of the Magnification of the Mystery.

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